
I just finished Milan Kundera’s ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’. My heart ache’s for Prague.

Prague, the beautiful Prague. Sabina’s Prague where the cemeteries are like gardens.The graves covered with grass and colourful flowers. When the sun goes down the cemetery sparkles with tiny candles. The graves are not weighed down with heavy stone to prevent the dead from getting out. Roots and flowers offered the corpses a path out of the grave and the living a chance to communicate with them. I am filled with a strong desire to walk through the cemeteries of Prague.

I want to climb Petrin Hill, pausing to see as Tereza saw: below her she saw the towers and bridges; the saints were shaking their fists and lifting their stone eyes to the clouds. It was the most beautiful city in the world.

I want to visit Tomas’ Prague. If only for a day.

I want to go to Prague.